Do you want to TRANSFORM your parenting and YourSelf, REDUCING the frustration, humiliation, worry, and stress?
You know you can’t carry on this way.
Imagine in 6 months’ time, you will elevate and evolve into a completely new identity as a Muslim Woman and Mother.
More clarity and calm.
More authentic.
Undeniable awakening to your path ahead.
Are you a Muslim Mother who:
📿 Is really good at staying in mother anxiety, frustration and guilt? You want better for yourself in your reaction to your children and be able to embrace any issue that comes your way.
📿 Who wants to build your tawakul and heart wisdom so you have the confidence to get through test and challenges with calmness and resilience?
📿 You have had enough of constantly thinking negatively and being unhappy with Mum as a result. Do you feel responsible for other people’s happiness?

Do You Often,
🤲🏼 Feels overwhelmed, in survival mode? You want to effectively manage your children and time so that stress and negative emotions are not overtaking in your parenting journey.
🤲🏼 Wants to empower yourself and your child’s self-worth, self-esteem, and self-resilience to have a high chance of coming out as a strong, emotionally healthy adults.
🤲🏼 Has a house with constant screen time and boundaries? You face setting struggles on top of that, no one is listening.
🤲🏼 Struggles with tantrums, whining, impulsive behaviour, conflicts, and angry outburst in your home?
🤲🏼 Sick of the parenting struggles “I have had enough” from frustration, overwhelm, confusion, and emotion breakdowns. “Why can’t they just listen to me?” “Why is he angry?” “He won’t open up”.( I have FIVE boys!!! I understand the struggle is REAL) BUT IT DOESNT HAVE TO BE THAT WAY!!!!
Do You Wish to
✔ Identify and address the things that stand in the way of becoming the mother you want to be and achieving your goals. (No added guilt here!) and letting goes of…
✔ Improves yourself in your reaction to your children and be able to embrace any issue that comes your way.
✔ Stop struggling to make time for your emotional, iman, mental, and physical well-being.
✔ Stop suffering in silence and trying to be “supermum”? Resulting in depletion, tears, and not feeling yourself.
✔ Not having an issue expressing your needs and understanding your triggers and painful patterns of procrastination; playing small; holding back; avoiding what you need to do or feeling out of control; and that everyone must see you perfect and in control?
✔ Not being at the bottom of your to-do list for years?
✔ Desire to uplevel and improve, and let go of what doesn’t serve you anymore.
You feel heartbroken that you are not able to achieve your goals, be present with your child simply because you are just..
REALLY. Drained?
from Surviving to Thriving 2024
This is the inner work of unlearning harmful generational patterns and reclaiming your birthright of self-love, self-worth and letting go of “I am not good enough” narrative.
The most common benefit that past mothers found was “an awakening” and “life changing“.
Introducing Thrive and Shine Group Coaching Course-from Surviving to Thriving 2024
“I felt like I was drowning, always feeling like I was failing as a mum, wife and Muslimah. My tired, lost soul desperately needed this enlightening life-changing course.
Khadija is the mentor every Muslim mum needs, a mentor who’ll make u believe in yourself, and truly love yourself. With her invaluable knowledge and coaching skills, she will prove to you that life-changing transformations are possible. You can’t put a price on gratefulness, inner peace and emotional resilience, an invaluable investment I’d make again and again.
I now show up as a better mum, more emotionally resilient as I am able to bounce back from setbacks faster. I’ve let go of anxious thoughts and critical self-talk and now look at myself and others from a place of compassion. I courageously live my life with purpose as Khadija has helped me discover my true authentic self.
I finally found the practical steps needed for me to become the empowered, confident woman I want to be.”
“Allah swt never changes the condition of a people unless they strive to change themselves.” (Quran 13:11).”
Tahyat Sayadi , Sydney. Mother of three
Testimonials and Messages

After taking this 6-month coaching program, you’ll know:
1. How to ask for help and ensure you’re on exactly the right path you’re supposed to be on in life. The reality is: you can’t do it alone and this journey requires support and time. You will receive the support, knowledge, and know-how to help you be able to better serve your family better from a place of looking after your mental wellbeing first and the emotional resilience to live confidently and calmer even in a test. What a beautiful thing to pass to your children instead of anxiety, depression, and disconnection???
2. How to move through all your limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging habits, and negative thinking to feeling absolutely confident and worthy!
3. How to step through your fears and knock down the obstacles that are holding you back from being the mother you want to be.
4. How to love yourself, love your work and live your life totally aligned with your purpose. Believing in yourself so you let go of the old you and stop self-sabotage allowing a powerful self-love awakening- reclaiming yourself and your connection to Allah SWT to a rebirth of your new chapter in life.
5. How to build resilient, thriving children. Become the mother that wants to develop a stronger connection to Allah SWT as well as learn better attachment and connection with your child in a stressful, fast-paced world we live in.
6. How to create healthy boundaries and limits that allow you to show up clear in who you are and prepare you for dealing confidently without the guilt with tantrums, excessive gaming, whining, impulsive behaviour, conflicts, and angry outburst! You will gain skills in building emotional self-regulation in your children.
6. Heal your Motherhood, Fatherhood, and Sisterhood wounds that creates intergenerational trauma and patterns of behaviour that don’t serve you anymore.

I will be walking you through understanding your rage, anger, upset at everyone and being upset with yourself in self-hate and where that is coming from. Releasing them so that you can create a different mindset shift of how resilient and worthy you already are! Because I have done the work and have the tools to move from test and challenges to opportunities and create new habits and behaviours that allow you to remain calm and successful, instead of destroying your day in unhappiness, worry how your behaviour is impacting the kids and your soul.
I support Muslimah mothers to an awakening of their heart needs and reclaiming their worthiness with the success formula, right knowledge and tools so that they can show up as the mothers and believers that they want to be and create the new chapter ahead with hope, clarity, purpose and joy.
All the self-internal conflicts fall away when one learn self-acceptance and self-nurturing of the purpose of the soul. When we heal our inner self, we heal our families, our next generation. We can contribute from a place of authenticity and contentment. On this journey, we are allowing You, the butterfly, too fly again, go deeper in self-discovery, let go of the emotional baggage, put-downs and less affected by the chatter of the outside world.
Still Not Sure?
See What Other Mothers Have to Say About The
Thrive and Shine Group Coaching Course – from Surviving to Thriving
“I was drawn to your program at a time when I was confused and lost in my parenting. I didn’t know what to expect but I just knew I needed something and my instincts led me to you.
Taking part in the program has been so eye-opening for me personally. I thought it would support me as a mother but you first work on the individual, the person. That was amazing for me especially as I was already struggling with feeling a sense of lost identity. As well as the support and coaching you provide, I’ve found the theory so fascinating. I love that you teach modules on each subject. You’ve guided us through such interesting topics such as emotional intelligence, temperaments, inside out paradigm, attachments. I’ve enjoyed learning about these things so much!
Your expertise in NLP, coaching, child development etc. is such an amazing combination that just comes together in this programme to support mothers towards self-development through a neuroscientific approach, whilst contextualising everything from the perspective of where the child’s development is at and what their needs are. The best part is how it’s all brought together under the philosophy of Islam. It has been a wonderful learning experience to have all these aspects hand in hand.
I remember the first coaching session I was a part of, and how awestruck I was by your insightful questions. I love how you get to the core of the underlying stuff with your penetrative questioning. It really is so effective in getting someone to reflect on the underlying aspects of what manifests on the surface.
This whole program is set up in such a genius way. The village of support that is created in the WhatsApp group. The way you model the things you teach. The theory. The coaching. Throughout it all and above all, what shines through and is priceless is your passion and enthusiasm for what you do and that you care and want to help people. Thank you for everything and may Allah reward you abundantly!
Like I said, at the start, I was lost and hoping to find answers to parenting confusion. Now, I have actually rediscovered myself and my passions and interests. I am caring for myself and putting myself first and actually in the process of getting more in touch with myself, I’ve found many of the answers to how I want to parent, within myself. Plus learnt a lot of extra information that is helping me to evolve into the informed and authentic mother and person I want to be.“
Shaina, UK, Mother of two

“I recommend Khadija Al Kaddour for any mother that is having a hard time understanding their children and/or themselves. She is incredibly knowledgeable in what she teaches and has life experience on much of what she speaks on. When I first started speaking with her, I was lost, ashamed and filled with triggers that I didn’t think I could overcome. She guided me with mercy, understanding and a lot of patience Alhamdulillah. She lived consistently with what she taught, and I was able to learn from her not only through what she says but how she practices what she preaches.
She was honest and vulnerable with us and showed us how to live life wholeheartedly, have courage and balance. She encouraged me to trust my God-given instincts and have the courage to show up as my authentic self. I am worthy and that doesn’t make me selfish. Her teaching doesn’t just tackle today’s issues, it has a lasting impact.
It’s a whole rewiring of the brain to think differently. I still have bad days, but I’ve learned the steps to take to get me back on track over and over again Alhamdulillah. JazakaLlahukhairan Khadija for all that you have done and may Allah bless your efforts and all the mothers seeking to heal.”.
Of course, it is a continuing work in progress and there are times when old patterns creep in but I know that I am able to access a lot more of the positive in and around myself through this experience and in sha Allah I will continue to do so. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Jazakillahu khayr ❤️ “
Kamila, WA, Mother of two
Who is Khadija AL-Kaddour
Khadija is The Awaken and Thrive Motherhood Expert empowers and supports Muslimah mothers who are seeking to evolve into confident, authentic women empowered to parent from a place of worthiness, less frustrated and stressed out. Khadija is a degree-qualified Parenting Educator, Motivational Speaker, certified in NLP, Back to the Fitrah Mentor of the “Inside Out Psychology” paradigm, Mother of five boys, and the founder of Muslimah Motherhood Circle workshops since 2014.
Her success formula centres on reclaiming one’s resilient inner emotionally healthy self, creating a thriving home for raising our children. This allows Muslim Mothers to discover the strategies and knowledge to raise emotionally connected, responsible, resilient, compassionate Muslim boys.

Khadija has taken women on this journey and the shifts have made them more confident, reclaiming their worth, and living to their true self, striving instead of surviving! Khadija is passionate about your growth-are you? You are worthy of love and belonging and living your true life! She is dedicated to your healing, growth, learning and supporting you myself to become the mother, woman, believer you need to be for yourself. Validate you first! Invest in you first.
You deserve to be a mum who has the self-confidence, self-worth and self-love she wants her kids to have.
Khadija supports Muslimah Mothers in the following ways:
- Mentoring through the journey of self-discovery to your authentic self in the process of validating, understanding, embracing and healing you first.
- Reclaiming one’s resilient inner emotionally healthy self, creating a thriving home for raising our children.
- Empowering by reclaiming their self-worth, letting go of the “never good enough” narrative and living to their true self, striving instead of surviving!
- Digging deeper to conscious awareness of triggers, painful patterns to rebirth to our new chapter. Perception taking to create a different lens of how you see yourself and the world around you.
- Building a tawakul mindset with heart connection to Allah swt.
- Teaching how to instill healthy boundaries through self-love, self worth and love of Allah swt.
- Unlearning critical self-talk, certain messages, subconscious behaviours and conditioning from childhood and previous relationships to believe in yourself, feel more content, wholehearted, and complete.
- By focusing on investing in their own healing, growth, learning and power of thinking first to show up differently and become the mother, woman, believer you need to be for yourself with self-compassion.
- Becoming consciously aware of your emotional state and triggers to be response instead of reacting.
- To discover the strategies and knowledge to raise emotionally-connected, responsible, resilient, compassion Muslim boys.
- Becoming a mother that parents from a place of confident, purpose, worthy of love and belonging and living your true aligned life!
- Creating a deeper understanding of how our early relationships impact our current relationship dynamics – it’s about breaking the cycle and building secure, emotionally healthy relationships.
- Conscious awareness of different types of abuse and toxic behaviour so you never allow anyone to use you as their emotional punching bag!
I join hands with you to personally guide you through this journey of self-exploration, providing KNOWLEDGE, COACHING, feedback and clarity to SUPPORT You and Empowering Yourself to transform your parenting and self –priceless.
Each month you get four weeks of support.

******Surviving to Thrive and Shine pre-recorded powerful module full of strategies and teachings to be watched anytime a self-paced manner each month to empower. Mentoring and coaching through the journey of self-discovery to your authentic self in the process of validating, understanding, embracing, and healing you first, your motherhood and family. (priceless).
******2x LIVE 90 min interactive group
Coaching improves parenting and self-discovery. Working through your struggles and parenting challenges. Issues and goals as they come by in the fortnightly sessions. (Priceless)
Group Coaching is an opportunity, a transformation, an up-levelling!!! Like-minded Muslim Mothers to come together around the experience of being a mother — and every joy and challenge that comes with this noble role. Who wants change and will commit! Aim for a journey of:
Healing (Journey and Your Personal, essential transformation to your authentic self)
Your Legacy (write your own story and show up differently, plant the seeds of growth and success)

Harness the power of your Thought (What you Focus on Grows)
******Complete a simple-to-follow, powerful PDF Assignment/reflection exercise each month’s growth workbook with the group to help you understand and implement the positive action and keep on track with what you learn along the way. Simple, clear, and one at a time.. so achievable.
******Weekly Live videos and resources on topics and your questions answered.
*****BONUS Perks! (1) one coaching sessions (Valued at $300).
Bonus before we start! Module Intention, Growth Mindset, and improving children’s patterns of thinking (Valued at $79).
Bonus powerful Masterclass Breaking the Cycle to a thriving you! -> Seven key actionable steps that will support your healing and growth!
Access to videos on themes, modules, resources & group coaching recordings exclusively made for you and to re-watch at your self-paced leisure, any time in an academy. Late April to October.
More information on the full outline of the Group coaching course, register via an application for a connection call HERE. There are only 15 spaces to this is an intimate container.
Also to connect to Khadija with any question DM her at Instagram @khadijaalkaddour or Facebook @khadijalkaddour or email
Are you Ready to Transform You?
You will elevate and evolve into a new identity as a Muslim Woman and Mother.
More clarity and calm. More authentic.
Undeniably awakening to your path ahead.
Fill in an application form here>>> rtoDD8BfxsnsSWZe9
“Dear Khadija, Words cannot describe my appreciation to your work this complete course that is designed to empower mothers no Matter what their struggle are.You are a blessing that I prayed to Allah would send me, and that came to me in a time of despair and that I thank Allah for you. Your devotion, your experience and heart felt words all resonated and made sense in every module I had takeaways That not only empowered me as a mother but had a significant impact on my family circle as a whole Alhamdulilah. May Allah bless you and reward you in this life and the next and may you keep on helping mothers and families around the world. Forever indebted to you Loving sister”
– Fay Absi, VIC, Mother of 5.
Memmona was in self-judgment, blaming and chastising herself and being harsh on her children. She was a perfectionist high achieve that constantly felt frustrated and couldn’t get things done. In the process of coaching, she has been learning to let go, self-love, and heal showing up calmer emotionally and pursuing her goals of building a better connection with her little children from a place of calmness and positivity.
“I was so hesitant to join group coaching, telling myself one-on-one would be more impactful and I couldn’t have been more wrong. The safe space Khadija created allowed each one of us to open up and address and confront everything that was weighing on us. Knowing so many others are going through what you are is so validating. Every session many of us came out saying whoa, you said exactly what I was thinking and feeling. The beauty of being in a group means you get coached, by extension, on so many different matters even though you went in wanting to discuss a particular one.
I went into this wanting and needing coaching around motherhood and instead came out a healed woman. My entire life I had been carrying so much trauma and I thought something was wrong with me. Khadija put it all into perspective; she helped me realize I need to heal first before I can move forward.
What I love most about this program is that Khadija covers all aspects of being a Muslim woman. It is not limited to just helping you become a better mother; rather, the focus is around helping and healing you so you show up better in all areas of your life, including motherhood. A friend asked me about this program and I had one word for her, life-changing.
The combination of profound and simple ideas is what makes this program amazing. Your mind is blown one minute when you get that light bulb of realization and the next moment Khadija is advising you to implement a simple strategy that will allow you to change old habits that don’t serve you. Healing is within your reach, with the right guide. I kept lamenting the fact that I only found Khadija and this program now but she reminded me everything comes from Allah and this is when it was meant for me. So if you’re on the fence and not sure if this is the right time for you, just remember Allah has put this opportunity in front of you for a reason.”
– Memmona.
Frequently Asked Questions
It was 2014, I had just ended an emotional draining 18-year marriage with four boys. I felt so hurt, depleted, anger at my situation. Crying daily as the world seems like a constant noise.
I had all the nasty put-downs swelling in my head, absorbed from the people around me and form my past. I was broken, hurt, afraid, thin, exhausted, and triggered. I was running on empty and autopilot. I had so many expenses and everything was on my shoulders, struggling daily. No support and no one to help me.
But most of all I desired inner peace
I realized that my only help and support at that moment was Allah SWT. As I drove the car to work one afternoon in a stream of tears I called out Hasbunallah Wa Ni’mal-Wakil(Sufficient for us is Allah, and [He is] the best Disposer of affairs.)
I made a choice.
I chose to heal, a new chapter in life, working on mindset and to rebirthing my soul connected to Allah SWT and fully in trust to his beautiful plan.
Looking forward to today, almost seven years ahead the work and learnings I have done allowed a rebirth of reclaiming my life back and the benefits have been a transformation.
I am a different, authentic, and whole person. I have completely different perceptions of the world and most of all the journey back to connecting to my heart, soul, health and children in the age of rush and busy.
I have done many years of inner reflection and inner healing work, working on my heart and soul resulting in being content, letting go of inner mean self-talk, truly taking responsibility for my life with clarity and living life with passion, hope and fearlessly achieving heart goals, with trust in Allah SWT in the pursuit of Allah SWT’s pleasure.
Through committing to and investing in myself,
I was able to let go of self-doubt and be confident in my decision making.
The insecurities started to drop. The negative thoughts based on past experiences dropped.
I can make shifts in my thinking as I learnt the psychology of how we think and feel.
I have learnt to let go of a painful pattern, triggers and limiting beliefs I wasn’t even aware of I carried ALL my life.
I can navigate test, challenges and obstacles more effortless and with a calmer response and not staying awake worried at night.
I am acknowledging my wins, showing up in life, sharing my knowledge.
I have healthy boundaries in every aspect of my life.
I was able to see clearly what a healthy relationship and show up validating me in my marriage.
I am more consciously aware of how resilient I am and now empowering mothers to have the same shifts in their lives.
When there is self-love there is awareness, confidence in setting boundaries, ability to live free of fear from judgment. If you’re interested in living your life showing up with actions that reflect you respecting and loving yourself, join us on this spiritual journey to thrive with resilience self-love.
If the idea of continuing on exactly as you are fills you with dread and anxiety, then this is the closest you’ll ever get to the “right time”. Not everyone will understand why you’re investing in yourself and your future –but you have a duty to take care of yourself.
Isn’t it time to reclaim yourself, sis?
You’ll always be busy, never have “time” you’ll always have lots of things going on, and your husband might never agree with you investing in yourself or have the money to commit to you. But are you happy to continue living the way you have been? Can you?
It’s a duty on us and act of worship to look after ourselves and give from our overflow, not our depleted, bitter, wounded anger self.
If you’re interested in this opportunity and SERIOUS about investing time, and energy in reaching your next level – let me know why this opportunity is for you.
Most other programs that promise self-transformation don’t last 7 months. The reality is: you can’t do it alone and in 6 short weeks or 12 weeks goes by so fast! With the continued support and mentoring for a whole 7 months, you will receive the support, knowledge, and know-how to help you be able to better serve your family better from a place of looking after your mental wellbeing first and the emotional resilience to live confidently and calmer even in a test. What a beautiful thing to pass to your children instead of anxiety, depression, and disconnection??? I walk with you step by step and help you stay on track via group coaching sessions, individual breakthrough coaching sessions that bring insights and know-how of your next step with clarity. And don’t forget the little support village that is built from the WhatsApp group where connection and vulnerability and bring your issues and questions is only a WhatsApp away!
About five to seven hours in a whole month minimum. Isn’t it time you put yourself first? You have to help yourself first if you want to help the people who need you most.
What I didn’t realise was those exact words were blocking me from attracting that level of healing and if I wasn’t ready to shift that then I won’t be able to attract that. What you say to yourself is what you affirm for yourself. Your subconscious does not know the difference between reality and what’s in your mind
Every time you say I can’t afford it…you bring it out into fruition and real-life and no change ever happens.
Imagine being able to change that.
To see things and cultivate this new energy in you of desire mixed with expectation and knowingness that this opportunity will be the awakening you need and want…
That’s what I’m bringing to you on this journey! And don’t worry, it is at a price point where you won’t say oh I can’t afford it because I have your back. Easy Monthly payment plan available. Can you afford to stay where you are? What will that cost you in stress, dissatisfaction at the state of your life, unfulfilled by your choices and direction your life is headed in.
I have done the work and helped woman like you to finally honour themselves and find time for self-love and care. Khadija has taken women on this journey and the shifts have made them more confident, reclaiming their worth and living to their true self, striving instead of surviving! Khadija is passionate about your growth-are you? You are worthy of love and belonging and living your true life! She is dedicated to your healing, growth, learning and supporting you myself to become the mother, woman, believer you need to be for yourself. Validate you first! Invest in you first.
To Shine your dreams
To share your gifts
To Show up
To Throw away what isn’t serving you.
To Let go
Honour your life, my dear sisters, by investing in your journey of conscious awareness back to your raw, true self. If you’re ready to stop surviving and start thriving than the Thrive and Shine is for you!
You deserve to be a mum who has the self-confidence, self-worth and self-love she wants her kids to have.
For payment options and more information of this tranformational full outline of the Group coaching course and module themes, register below. Also to connect to Khadija with any question DM her at Instagram Facebook or email