

Khadijah is warm, caring and passionate about helping and empowering mothers in their parenting role. Khadijah has a vast amount of knowledge in parenting from both an Islamic and child development background in addition to her own experience as a mother. I would highly recommend her parenting services!

Samantha Cherie, Counsellor, Mother of 2.

Jazakillah khair dear sister Khadija AL Kaddour . I don’t have words to express my inner joy after talking to you and sharing certain matters that have overwhelmed me, and how you have guided me to develop my positive being. I feel so relaxed as if my Allah has chosen you to help me out.

Shasita, M., Mother of two boys

I have had an enriching experience with Khadija after first participating in her Muslimah Motherhood Circle back in 2013. Her emphasis on self-care and building positive family relationships through empowerment has been highly influential in my parenting style ever since. She has a wealth of practical knowledge to share and has always been very warm, welcoming and non-judgmental in her approach to both one-on-one and group discussions. I’m very thankful for the exceptional care she has shown to me and my family throughout my parenting journey and will continue to seek her counsel and recommend her services to family and friends without hesitation. I hope many more parents and children can continue to benefit from her coaching and advice. Thank you, Khadija!

Ruqayyah Mohammed, Mother of 4.
MashaAllah, I sincerely recommend Sis Khadija’s services to any women who want to improve their skills in nurturing their children in a calm and enjoyable way, and also to be the best person or mother they can be. Khadija is a qualified coach, she has great personal and professional knowledge and experiences to support mothers and their children. Khadija has the passion, patience and ability to deliver excellent and quality training and coaching. I admire her genuine love and Tawakul in Allah Ta’ala, which she incorporated into her session to ensure that the souls are also nurtured together with social-emotional and physical aspects of a person. I think this is important, because when our connection with our Creator is correct, then our connection with people will also be correct InShaaAllah.
May Allah Ta’ala continue to shower His Rahmah and Baraqah, also grant goodness and Afiyah in this noble service InShaaAllah.
Aida Cameron mother and Grandmother

I have known Khadija for many years…she is very passionate about child development and optimal upbringing of children. Khadija has helped me with managing my children’s emotions and has made it easier for me to deal with the difficult parts of parenting.  I think having someone there to guide you through parenting and give you priceless tips that work makes me feel so much more confident as a mother in dealing with my children. Khadija is also passionate about self-development and given me insights to empower myself.

Aisha Merhi, Mother of 3
I highly commend Khadija for her capacity to coach and support those around her to reach their goals. Barak Allahu feeki!
I first met Khadija 8 years ago. I was a uni student navigating through a tumultuous time and while there were many successes in my life, alhamdullilah, I was experiencing many difficulties. I struggled with my identity, with being a young adult, with just being me.
I sat in awe as Khadija introduced herself to all of us attendees at a leadership program we both attended and where we first met. She introduced herself with strength. Mother of 3 boys, and step mum to two. A very strong woman, mashaAllah. In her introduction, she expressed her passion for empowering others, helping them define their identity, showing them how to find their strengths, how to thrive through difficulty, how to be the best they can be. What was really new to me, as a uni student growing up in Australia, was how all of this was made in reference to her identity as a Muslim woman. She demonstrated that she had a strong foundation of connection and trust in Allah (SWT). I could see that she herself had been on quite a journey in life and it had strengthened her. I had a lot to learn!
With every meeting in that program, I got to learn more about Khadija, engage in deep discussions as a pair and in a group and listen as she shared her ideas and thoughts. I also always respected that she was never afraid to share her vulnerabilities. For her, difficulties were always a beacon of growth and closeness to our Creator.
Upon completion of the program and over the following two years, I had the absolute pleasure and privilege of attending a few other programs and workshops with Khadija, all recommended by her. Each one helped me in many ways, and I looked forward to them every time. Sadly, however, it was time for me to relocate interstate and one of the biggest losses I felt when I left Perth was the wonderful growth and insights I would have experienced through Khadija had I stayed.
Alhamdulillah, our friendship continued. I could call Khadija amidst a difficult situation I was experiencing and she would always listen. She would then compassionately acknowledge how I was feeling and then, with love, refocus my attention to my true purpose in this life, to please my Creator. From my discussions with her and watching her with others, I could see how Khadija could take any circumstance and flip it on its head. She can support anyone to take their circumstance and reframe it in a way that makes it a positive, empowering situation. Not only that, but she will support others (including myself) in defining their goals and taking steps to achieve them.
Despite being away I still got to witness Khadija walk the talk. I witnessed as she completes her Uni studies (all while raising her boys), facilitates workshops for school students, mothers and children, share her stories, and reach many milestones. I also witnessed as she faced challenging experiences and very rough times on her journey – all of which made her even stronger, tabarak Allah. I have learned so much from Khadija, both in our discussions and in just watching her resilience. Meeting her boys, May Allah (Swt) bless and protect them, speaks enough for her influence and ability to inspire. They are wonderful, well mannered, strong boys.
I still get to see Khadija when I am back in Perth and every time, every single time, I leave our meeting with clarity regarding my path, added perspectives and most importantly a reminder, a reminder of my purpose. In every single one of our discussions, Khadija will bring it back to this – pleasing Allah (SWT). Without a single compromise.
I highly recommend Khadija’s coaching. Go for it! And may Allah (swt) bless you to find what you seek and reach heights way beyond what you have imagined.
May Allah (SWT) bless you Khadija and jazaki Allahu khairan for everything!
Umm Musa, Mother of two boys
Very informative, and learnt great techniques to bring home to my children. I would definitely recommend attending these sessions to others. Keep up the great work!!
Ebonie Roberts Kalkanci, Mother of 2

A commendable service for us Muslim mums and mums to be! Always insightful and up to date advice and skills delivered in a comfortable, informal and trusting environment where you can not only learn about but share your experiences of motherhood. Sister Khadija you’re doing a great job and we really appreciate all your hard work and effort in making these circles happen!

Sanna Pervez, Mother of 2

Such a beautiful, warm, caring circle of women! I would highly recommend these sessions, where one will go away feeling empowered and uplifted to be a self-determining and informed parent.

Aisha Nancy Novakovich, Mother of 2 boys
Always waiting for your valuable and beneficial posts dear…may Allah SWT bless you and happiness in both the worlds…Really I love u for the sake of Allah… May Allah love you and ease your ways as you are really easing my motherhood…
Shaista Meraj, Mother of 2
Khadija and I have been friends for approximately 12 years. Her parenting style is something I have always admired. To me, she approaches parenting her 4 boys in a calm, kind and patient way, remaining in control of her own emotions. I know instilling good self-esteem in children while maintaining healthy and appropriate boundaries is very important to her. She is someone I have sought advice from on numerous occasions particularly regarding being a stepmother. Recently I became a first time Mum and have already talked to Khadija about future issues particularly how to raise a child with a strong sense of self yet instilling in them the appropriate respect especially for elders. I feel confident with the advice I get as I know her passion isn’t just a personal one but extends to her professional and academic life aswell.
Michelle Hudges

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