Learn and Create Effective Healthy Boundaries To

Stop Tantrums, Excessive Gaming, Whining, Impulsive Behaviour, Conflicts And Angry Outburst.

The Thriving Motherhood Empowerment Self-paced Course is a program where you will be able to:

  • Understand your children’s behavior

  • Know how to respond to tantrums without screaming and smacking

  • Learn specific strategies and effective ways to address, manage and calm those challenging behaviours like children’s screaming, rudeness, not listening and hurting others.
  • Learn how to stop feeling like a failing mum

  • Raise resilient kids

  • Understand the underlying emotions and messages of your child’s behavior


AUS $499

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What’s Inside

Module: Self-discovery

  • How to deal with the pressure of how other people think
  • How to build your innate wisdom and resilience so you can handle difficult situations around your child with inner peace
  • Understand better why you do what you want to do
  • Show up differently and drop the overwhelmed, frustrated, hurt and GUILT.
  • How to avoid passing your traumas and emotional baggage to your children
  • How to identify and address the things that stand in the way of becoming the
    Mother you want to be and achieving your goals. (no added guilt here!)
  • Learn how to set healthy boundaries with others and loving boundaries with your children
  • Learn effective ways to address, manage and calm those challenging behaviors so you feel more confident how to deal with your child’s behavior.
  • Prevent unwanted behaviours by communicating differently and strategies to help smooth angry situations
  • See behaviors differently so you can show up differently with your child instead of screaming and shouting daily
  • See behaviors differently so you can show up differently with your child instead of screaming and shouting daily
  • Understanding the underlying beliefs and using them to build your child’s self-esteem and make them more confident.
  • Strategies to build a growth mindset so they become more resilient.
  • Learn new skills and strategies to deal with challenging behaviors of your children instead of passing them a screen.
  • How to calm and shift your own emotions before responding so they feel more calmer.
  • Learn how to support your child’s emotional state better.
  • Increase your awareness and confidence to handle strong emotional states, especially tantrums.
  • Knowing learning styles and which one does your child have to improve his engagement in school
  • How to improve the brain function of your child
  • Your child’s unique learning and communication style
  • How to use the right games to enhance your child’s brain development
  • How to nurture Iman faith in yourself and your sons to build confidence and positive relationship in Allah Swt.
  • Understanding how to build your child’s tawakkul mindset
  • How to build their love for Salah based on their development level and Islamic psychology
  • How to calm and shift your own emotions before responding
  • Setting Loving Boundaries with Difficult Children
  • Strategies to raise your sons to have resilience and be emotionally intelligent, balanced and calmer.
  • Exploring the vulnerability of parenting and getting in touch with your vulnerability
  • The art of “I messages” getting big emotions into words easier!
  • Exploring how a child’s behaviour is his language
  • How to recognise your Parenting beliefs and values
  • How to foster secure attachment
  • Risk Factors that influence mental health vulnerability and biopsychosocial impacts on a child and mother and how to improve so your child can be protected.

All the techniques used in this program encourage clarity and are evidence-based parenting strategies to improve parenting skills, confidence and child behaviour. They have been tested in the program and have been tested for results.


AUD $499 + BONUS

Raising Children in a Digital World bundle -Setting limits around technology and age-appropriate recommendations

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